
Career path | Derek Giancola
"I have always especially enjoyed training teams to meet today's challenges, all while preparing for the needs of tomorrow."
Derek Giancola, chief commercial officer, United States
Career path
What did you do before you joined Thuasne®?
Marcela: After graduating I started out as a textile engineer at Tricoul Rosu Arad.

Nassim Bougtaia: "Japan taught me patience and the art of embarking on a project when everything is well prepared in advance".
How did you go from Lille, your home town, to Japan?

Stéphanie Merer, head of key hospital accounts, looks back at her experience at Thuasne®. "I don't like routine and at Thuasne® I never get bored"
What did you do before you began working for Thuasne®?

Amy Smith: “Thuasne is a family that has been helping me grow for 7 years now”
Can you go back over your arrival at Thuasne?

Andree Ximénès - Career Path
Andrée Ximénès,Th formerly Group purchasing director and manager of the Saint-Étienne (France) sites, looks back over a 22-year career at Thuasne. Discover his profile.

Bastien, trade product buyer, based in Hô Chi Minh-City, looks back over his career
Bastien, trade product buyer, based in Hô Chi Minh-City in Vietnam for more than 2 years, looks back over his career.
Can you tell us about your experience?

Using digital health tech to provide better care
"Our goal is to be close to patients, our end users. In addition to our medical devices, we want to offer digital solutions that will help them to manage their conditions and take control of their health.”

CSR: At the heart of Thuasne’s strategy
“Thuasne’s CSR strategy is designed to be highly pragmatic and based on achievable, measurable objectives that will enable the Group to make tangible progress.”
Delphine Hanton, CEO, Thuasne

Thuasne: Delivering innovation in healthcare
“Digital healthcare is a strategically important area for Thuasne. Aside from an innovative image, it also has therapeutic benefits , and a variety of applications.” Matthieu Ducottet, Director of Innovation, Thuasne