Amy Smith: “Thuasne is a family that has been helping me grow for 7 years now”

Can you go back over your arrival at Thuasne?
I joined Orthotic Composites in 2011 as assistant composite fabrication technician. Over 5 years, I gained considerable experience in prefabricated size products. I joined the Group when the company was acquired by Thuasne in 2016.
Did this acquisition represent a turning point in your career?
Absolutely! From the acquisition of Orthotic Composites I was able to go to the USA for 6 months to help the US team set up a production line and to train my new colleagues. This 6-month assignment turned into a whole professional experience since I’ve been here for 7 years now. Currently I am production manager and I remain involved in research and development.
I find it really inspiring to support the teams on a daily basis. Improving the quality of life of patients through technological changes and continuous optimisation of our processes is also a great source of motivation.
Living abroad has always been something I wanted to experience. The opportunity to move to a different continent and start a new life was a real achievement. Outside work I spend time with my family, my husband David, our two young daughters Florence and Sophie, not forgetting our dog Winston! We are exploring California and we are planning to see more of the USA and other countries.
I have a lot of ideas for transforming our house as I am passionate about design, and I love listening to podcasts and walking. My balance in life relies on having a permanent positive and human mindset, which is useful in both my home and work life!
I would like to see the Group continue its development through the opportunities offered by new technologies. And I hope to be a part of this future by helping to create new, even more sophisticated products, while continuing to pass on my expertise in manufacturing techniques.
I would simply like to thank Thuasne for this amazing opportunity which has been my passion for so many years. I hope to continue the adventure for some time to come!