Morphology memory foam mattress

Morphology memory foam mattress

Mattress made of viscoelastic foam with removable cover. Moderate to high pressure ulcer risk.

Key points
Helps prevent pressure ulcers: Gently returns to its initial shape and therefore exerts little counter pressure on bony protuberances.
Hygienic: cover zips on 3 sides, with flap, washable, impermeable and resistant.
3 year warranty against sagging (not including cover).

Suitable for a user weighing 30 to 120 kg maximum.

Braden score: 9 to 13.
Pressure ulcer risk: MODERATE TO HIGH.
Viscoelastic foam of density: 75 kg/m².
Mattress (L x w x h): 196 x 87 x 14 cm.

This medical device is for bedridden adults or children with reduced mobility, with a Moderate to High pressure ulcer risk.

G3 shape memory mattress (open format): reference W3006 001 002.
G3 rolled compressed shape memory mattress: reference W3006 002 002.