SpryStep® ​​​​​​​Original

SpryStep® ​​​​​​​Original

Dynamism: posterior lateral position of the strut to optimise the compliance and the energy return during physical activity.
Stability and rebound effect: the diversity of the materials used provides the patient with a good balance between flexibility and rigidity to improve and allow a more natural gait.
Strength and lightness: composite structure, lightweight and durable, designed with a specific material combination and a precise manufacturing process.
Adaptability: trimmable insole for a better anatomical adjustment.

Available in right or left model.


These indications are biomechanical deficits of neurological, traumatic or muscular origin.
Weak dorsiflexors.
Fatigueable footdrop.
Foot slap.
Plantar flexor strength ≤ 4.
Mild spasticity of the foot and ankle.
Mild knee instability during stance phase.
Knee hyperextension.
Vaulting (plantarflexion of the contralateral ankle joint).
High knee gait.
Hip hiking/contralateral trunk bending.


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